When you’ve been making games, promoting your brand and going to conventions setting up booths as long as we have you’ve used a fair share of companies for promotional materials. We’ve ordered stickers from a store where it looked okay online but when we got the final product it was way darker then the proof, which put us in a tough spot days before an important convention. And we’ve also ordered from stores that gave us a great discount, but the product was pretty flimsy and low quality and ultimately not worth it.

But Sticker Mule has always been consistent in the quality of their stickers and they’ve become our go to source for stickers of our logos and our games to put on our hardware (like these laptop stickers​) and take to conventions!! Their site is super slick, easy to navigate and we’ve never had to use their customer service but we imagine it’d be easy breezy. If you’re looking to up your brand’s game to the next level we can’t recommend Sticker Mule enough 😎